Monday, June 9, 2014

Three Reasons Why I Cannot Be A Victim And Neither Can You

 I cannot be a victim and neither can you.

That is quite a powerful and empowering statement.

If true it could dramatically change the way that we show up in the world.  It could change the way we view our life and the lives of those around us.

If true it could remove our ability to feel sorry for ourselves.  It could remove our ability to place the blame for our circumstances on others or situations.

If true it could stop us from giving our power away to others.

How could this be true?

I did not choose to have my marriage end.  I did not choose to suffer with depression.  I did not choose to contract a disease.  I did not choose to lose my job.  I did not choose to…

These things happened to me!  I didn’t choose them!



We choose everything.

There are three reasons why I cannot be a victim and neither can you!

The first reason is we are spiritual beings.  We are in fact powerful spiritual beings!  

The second reason is we choose to incarnate in the physical form to have experiences!

The third reason is our Soul, our Higher Self, chose before we incarnated, the experiences we are to have in order to grow and evolve!

Still not convinced?

I understand because when I first learned this, I resisted.  I knew there was no way in heck that I would choose to be lonely, or unhappy, or sick, or struggle with anything!  In fact, I told the Universe, actually I shouted at it, that if I really chose these experiences, someone, somewhere, was making a big mistake!

But as with all things, a little time and reflection, yielded a different perspective.  I know I am a powerful spiritual being.  You are too!  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  If we can agree on that then the next question is why?  Why are we having a human experience?  For most if not all of us, it’s certainly not for the unending fun and games!

We are a spiritual being having a human experience to have experiences!  To feel things!  Unless we physically experience something, we cannot know how it feels.  A good example is my friend recently went sky diving.  She told me it was a very cool and liberating experience.  That seems reasonable and I believe her.  But I don’t really know how it feels because I have never jumped out of a plane!  I can only imagine it would be very liberating to release all control and jump out of a perfectly good airplane!

Another example on a more serious note is I have an aunt who is suffering from two chronically debilitating and painful diseases, of which there are no cures.  She suffers every day.  The medications designed to alleviate the symptoms don’t work for her.  Now she tells me she is struggling.  She tells me she is in pain.  I watch as she tries to put on a brave face and lead as normal a life as possible.  I have an idea of what she is thinking and how she is feeling, but I really don’t know because I am not experiencing it!

Why do we need to experience things?  Why do we need to feel things?  Because in the experience is the emotion, and in the emotion is the gift!  

As spiritual beings we learn and expand and evolve through emotion!  To have emotion we must feel things!  To feel things we must experience things!  To experience things we must be in a physical form!

And as powerful spiritual beings we have a choice on what types of experiences we want to have, what we want to learn and how we want to evolve.  Our Soul, our Higher Self has already chosen before we incarnated.  We did not come here this time, or any time before, to have random experiences.

We have a Soul purpose and we have a Soul plan.  Does that mean that our lives are ‘written in stone’ and things will just happen to us?  No; not at all.  What it means is that our Soul has already decided, before it incarnated, what types of experiences it wants to have in order to continue to expand and evolve.

The beauty of it is that as spiritual beings in a human form we will find and have the experience we choose.  The exact person, or place, or job, or sickness, or whatever we need to have our experience can change.  But if we choose to, we will have our experiences.

So life is not happening to us!  We as spiritual beings have chosen our experiences to further our own expansion.

And we have chosen many times in many lifetimes before.

When we look at our lives as a continuation of many previous lives, the idea that we choose our experiences makes sense.

And if we are the ones that choose, then we are the ones in power.

And if we are the ones in power, then we cannot be victims.

I cannot be a victim and neither can you!

Yes, that is a powerful and empowering statement!

Patricia Brooks is author of her book God is in the Little Things; Messages from the Animals and is currently writing her second book in the series God is in the Little Things; Messages from the Golden Angels. Having profound spiritual experiences has changed Patricia’s life dramatically and she has come to understand her Divine life purpose is to spread the message of Oneness to our higher Self, each other, and all living beings. Patricia is an interfaith minister, animal totem intuitive, and angel healing practitioner. She also authors two spiritual blogs and is a contributing writer to many spiritual magazines. Please visit Patricia at for much more information and where you may also sign up for her mailing list to receive your FREE Understanding Animal Totems report.


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